Took both of my sons her for over two years and during that time they managed to mix up my childrens charts and give one a very high dose of sedation. It took a long time to wake him and I had to almost carry my almost 100lb child to the car because of their negligence. They then wanted to remove a tooth that should come out and gave me appointments, I explained that this was a very difficult time of the year and would check our calendars, I did and called to reschedule. I had to reschedule twice and when the office called to schedule I was not available to a family members death. When I called back to schedule I was told my children had been dismissed because of multiple reschedules. They sent a letter to an address we have not been at for almost 3 years and I have updated with them multiple times. They are not efficient at all and obviously not understanding that emergencies happen. I am glad to find someone that will be more careful not to "mix up" charts with a potential for much greater harm!