UPDATE again.. Instead of taking a bit of criticism from someone unhappy with the service received and maybe reaching out to the complex/resident to reach a better understanding of what occurred and how to resolve it or at least explain certain things they just have their employees write 5 star reviews(see photo) and say that I'm being "unreasonable" First of all Greg if you guys can't be expected to handle anything besides your 20 minute walk around then you may want to communicate that with the apartment/community that contract you and advises residents to contact your company for a response on those types of things. Maybe ask them not to put notices on our doors about "zero tolerance" on fireworks and how "vigilant" your company will be towards it and to call your dispatch. Perhaps that way Residents wouldn't be so "unreasonable" and expect so much from your "limited patrol service" Second, you act as if there were fireworks all over the place and you had no control over it. It was literally ONE group of people at the front gate near the building doing it. So again sorry I expected so much and was "unreasonable" to want to drive inside the gate without fireworks shooting at my car and followed what I was told to do for nuisances like that. Maybe have your employees act a bit more professional when a resident approaches them on something like that. Also I guess you have no comment to not showing up to tag the vehicle that parked in my assigned spot for 12 hours that I called multiple times on and was assured that someone would be here. Again if your dispatch told me your limited patrol service wouldn't come outside of your 20 minutes and I was being unreasonable I wouldn't have expected anything to be done.