| - I came in on a Monday night around 8p and couldn't figure out why their Yelp rating was so low because the store was clean and well stocked. The employees were nice and knowledgeable about the store's selection, but there was one staff member that talked too much. The line was moving slow at the cash register and my husband and I both agreed that we didn't want to be called to her register because she simply talked too much and moved too slow to be so sociable. Fortunately, we didn't have to go to her register and it seemed that I was ready to start my craft when I got home. As I begin to use the button cover kit that I purchased, I get to the very end of covering the buttons, only to realize that my kit is incomplete and missing two buttons and one button back! At this point, I'm irritated, not only because it's holding up my timeline for completing the project, but because the store is all the way across town and, in order to avoid buying a completely new kit from a different store and only using 2 of the buttons, I would need to drive ALL the way across town and HOPE that their customer service is at least a LITTLE better than their awful yelp rating. Totally understanding that they have no way of knowing a kit was missing pieces and it's more than likely the manufacturers fault, I shouldn't have to question their customer service practices and keep my fingers crossed that I'm not wasting my time. Especially after the 8 other buttons have already been covered and I don't intend on bringing the covered buttons back up to the store or undoing my work in order to request a refund or exchange. Ugh! I think I'll pass on chancing their customer service skills and go to Michael's. A few suggestions for this store, tell your staff members that theirs a not-so-fine line between being friendly, and just talking too much. Try to keep the line moving at the cashier by picking up the pace a little, and work on creating a better name in the community. With so many other options around, you want to make sure that your name is a household name that is used in the same sentence as a lot of other big name craft stores in the area. Not because of how big they are, but because of the service that you all, I'd hope, pride yourselves on.