I made a mistake in believing GROUPON recommended establishment. First adrian. The only thing professional about him is a smooth talker backed up by upselling techniques that were below par and a bunch of lies. I was interested in the coupon special ...by the time he finished...tge price doubled. And none was necessary work like upgrading high performance tint. The standard would have been enough.
The technicians who worked on the tints were either in a hurry or plain lazy. When adrian handed me the keys to the car after paying...I immediately saw 'fingers' in tinting lingo...meaning not stretched properly film. Then I saw wrinkling in another window a sign of poor workmanship and bubbles in another. The technician called by adrian took the car back to refinish the kinks. Then a hispanic technician had the gull to say.ok these kinks are normal...and will go away. Guess what ... One day after tinting my car.... A bad stretching area in one window has appeared.