My girlfriend had 2 skirts altered by this place. Both for work purposes. The reason I am posting about this and not her is because I was the one who had to go pick it up and pay for it.
I was amazed at how much it had cost for two business style skirts to get altered. They had both sides taken in ( to make smaller). $36 a skirt for a grand total of $72. I came with $45 thinking that would cover the "cash only" rule that still exists in today's world. So then I had to leave, go to an ATM then back to the place. Thinking the whole time, "Might as well go buy her a new skirt," but I have no fashion and she needed them! So two weeks later and $72 in the hole we have skirts that fit.
Is it great work yes. The people were really nice. If I needed it done over night I would probably pay that price. Inflating prices because of slow business.
Business denied