I don't know how they manage to find such pleasant and helpful employees at every location I've been to but I never have a problem getting help, never get an attitude when I ask a question even if they are in the middle of stocking shelves etc. They always stop what they're doing to answer my question and usually walk me to the section where the item would be if they have it. They are more congenial than Disneyland employees!
On top of that, the prices are unbelievabley reasonable on most products and the quality is exellent. I love that it is a manageable sized store where I'm not exhausted when I leave, even if I have to backtrack to find something. They may not have the multitude of samples of a Costco, but what they offer is fun to try and many times I've gone to buy the product after tasting it.
And they have some if the prettiest, sturdiest, most colorful tote bags of any store so I almost always buy one, often as gifts for my kids. I now have bags from three states.
I got started shopping more often at my local TJ's and other smaller stores in San Diego years ago when there was a grocery store union strike and just never went back to the big chains except when I needed products not available at TJ's. I love it when I find one when I travel as I'm already familiar with their products and layout.