| - I have a much known and publicized dislike for Scottsdale and those who reside in it. Especially the 30-something single crowd.... So why then, you may ask would I go to a place in the heart of that douchebaggery? To meet my best friend for a beer late afternoon, Happy Hour style.
What I encountered at this place was awesomely refreshing. So much so that I probably should not be writing a review on how great this place is, lest it become a "cool trendy" place to be. Great for the owners, I know, but terrible for real, in touch, sensible human beings.
Let's talk about the owners... They are local. And a family. REALLY? A family owned and operated joint in Scottsdale? Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone!
Something that that sets them apart is their home-made daily dessert. Our servers (I'll get to them in a moment; be still my beating heart...) kept talking about this brownie with this lost, googly-eyed in love look. Of course we had to indulge. And we did... In all 5000000000 calories of it's peanut-buttery chocolatey al a modey deliciousness. But we loved EVERY fat round belly inducing bite.
And so these servers... We had two of them. We started with Jennifer. And because we're just sooooo cool (not really. We're not very cool at all.), we ended up with Tiffany ANNNNNDDDD Jennifer. They rocked our little worlds. Beautiful, fun, friendly, outgoing, fun to joke with, awesome energies and attitudes, and did I mention beautiful?
This was a great experience for us after a long and challenging week. It's great to have a place to go where we have a great time and drink a couple of beers. And they have buckets of peanuts too... Does it get any better?