Well to start off there was not much I could eat considering most of the food had trans fat. The ice cream they serve has mono and diglycerides (trans fat) they use grocery brand buns with High Fructose corn syrup and partially Hydrogenated oil (Also Trans Fat)
Me and Jamie ate her on NYE so maybe it is different . Jamie ate an alfredo pasta that I didn't touch (white sauces disgust me)
Later that evening she started shaking and holding her stomach.
On the drive home she said she felt like she was going to puke but I figured she was just expressing how bad she felt.
I offered to pull over and she said she couldn't wait that long. I look over and she had grabbed a Harkins cup from the floor and started puking in it then dumping it out the window to make room for more alfredo vomit. It was smelling garlicky fresh in there.
I'm sure with it being New Year it looked great throwing cups of vomit out the window, even though we don't drink.
Since we don't drink we were probably the only ones who knew this was not alcohol induced vomiting.
Oh something else I saw that night. The chef brought out some food in a cater style pan. As he was setting it down the dish rag he was holding was dragging all over the food, WTF?!