This is a large 3 floored smooth boat cruise to get a view of the city. They serve drinks and food on the boat and have a disco for kids under 12 towards the end of the cruise. They are part of the montreal city pass if you happen to get one.
I suggest you call ahead of time because when we went to the counter to buy tickrts for the 11:30 am cruise, they were not open to the public because a school group reserved the boat. They only have 2 cruises - 11:30 and 2pm.
We then went the next day and at first I thought that the boat was half full, and when they told us that there's a child disco at the front of the boat (adults are not allowed in that area), my son thought he would be dancing alone, but to my surprise, there was a lower floor reserved for a school group and a lot of children were dancing in that restricted area.
I really enjoyed the boat ride. There was a live person speaking in french about the famous landmarks and buildings as we passed it. Both upstairs and downstrairs had tables for 4. The third floor was open so it was a bit windy, so the loud drunk group next to us spilled their drinks and had their cups fly off the table, but it at least didn't hit us.
Staff was very courteous, especially to my two kids when they decided to sit on the second floor without us. She took good care of them as they ordered food and virgin drinks while we were upstairs.