| - I booked a contact lens exam here as it was in network, and close to home. I regret having done so. I paid the full amount owed at the point of service, yet 2 months later ,received a bill.
When I called ,was told "oh ,yes, a bunch of bills went out "in error", but you need to call another no. After I left two messages, and a week went by, I received a message that it was a "mistake", and to disregard. No apology .Luckily, I recalled that I had paid the full amount and
did not automatically pay the bill, as I typically do.
4 months after I purchased a new brand of contact lens from this Pearle, I decided that I preferred my old Accuvue Oasis to the new Bausch and Lomb brand, so I called to ask them to switch MY SAME PRESCRIPTION (no changes) to the Accuvue brand. I was told that after 90 days ,I needed to pay for a new contact lens exam, even though I had no problems, just wanted a different manufacturer. I also realized that while the store had my Rx on file, they never handed me my contact lens handwritten prescription, to which I was entitled.
There is no logical reason request a new exam every 90 days .Typically an optometrist prescription is good for one year, for a patient who has no changes in vision, or other complaints, just prefers the exact same rx in another manufacturer brand. The only reason must be to generate additional monies for the business.
From now on, I will stick with my good'ol private optometrist, instead of a chain. A bit more expensive up front, but less costly , and more patient centered in the end.