| - I've never thought very highly of this establishment, but the main reason I'm giving such a low review is due to a very frustrating experience during my last visit.
I will start my review with what I think of the place overall. The food is mediocre at best and sometiemes comes out cold, leaving you wondering why it costs 2x more than most nearby places serving similar--but cheaper and higher quality--items (e.g. five guys, jimmy johns, etc.). The service varies from good to very poor. The only redeeming quality I found is the enormous and plentiful TVs on which to watch your favorite sport, as well as the lively ambiance, especially during important sporting events.
Now I'd like to detail my last experience, which is the main reason that I will never again give this place my business. I visited Zipps with a few friends in January 2016 for an NFL playoff game. The bad part began when halfway into the game I started to feel very sleepy due to lack of sleep the night before. I would have simply paid for my food and driven home if I had not been assigned designated driver for our group that day, so I decided to escape the loudness of the bar by moving to a table just outside, on their patio, a few feet from where my friends were watching the game. I figured I'd put my head down and rest my eyes at one of the many open tables on the patio (most customers were sitting inside watching the game) while my friends enjoyed the rest of the game, but about a minute into closing my eyes I was startled by an aggressive push on my shoulder and opened my eyes to a man standing over me, loudly and rudely telling me that I can't sleep out there. He then tried to tell me to leave. I understand that bars watch out for people who are sleeping because this means they may have had too much to drink; however, I wasn't even drinking and regardless of whether or not I was intoxicated it was an incredibly rude way for an employee to address a customer. He tried to get me to leave as if I was an unwanted freeloader using their tables for sleep, but I told him, much to his disbelief, that I was a paying customer and then went over and joined my friends inside. At this point I was incredibly frustrated by the way I was treated but decided not to complain or do anything about it so as not to create an awkward situation for my friends who were still enjoying the game.
A little while later, as we were watching the 4th quarter, we noticed a homeless man wandering from table to table, being loud and belligerent and asking customers for money and cigarettes. He eventually made his way to our table and started talking to us, asking for money and cigarettes and making crass jokes. We wanted to ask him to leave so we could get back to watching our game but were intimidated by his large stature and obvious state of inebriation. We also didn't ask him to leave because we figured that was up to the employees/bouncers. The bouncers were definitely keeping an eye on him but even after an hour of him making customers visibly uncomfortable they never did anything. By the end of the game he finally left on his own, without purchasing anything.
I just found it so ironic that while he was not a paying customer who was clearly intoxicated and belligerent, the management completely left him alone. Meanwhile, I was a paying customer just minding my own business and yet I was the one who was harassed and treated like I shouldn't be there. I think the bouncers were too afraid to confront this man who rivaled them in physical strength but since I was much smaller than them they felt it was okay to treat me poorly.
I complained to some employees as we were leaving, letting them know how I was treated outside and that we were disappointed the bouncers didn't do their job when it actually mattered. They looked at me as if I was stupid for complaining and simply justified their actions. They basically said the employee was justified in rudely telling me to leave since I could have been intoxicated while also justifying the bouncers actions by saying that the belligerent man left on his own anyway (mind you, this was after over an hour of harassing customers). At this point I realized just how pointless it was to complain since they care so little about their customers and just decided my best course of action would be to leave and never give them my business again--and that's what I did. I haven't been their in months and I feel great about it. There are much better places to get a beer and watch the game anyway.