If you look past the specious claim that it is Toronto's #1 roti shop, I will concede that Coconut Grove is A-OK. It's tucked between a strip of similarly pocket-sized eateries along Dundas west of Bay street. Inside you'll find a sassy lady shelling out loads of curried meats: oxtail, beef, goat, chicken and stewfish and you can them with rice or roti'd. All the meat is Halal.
I went with the stewfish roti and asked for it spicy. It definitely packed a punch. I thought it was pretty good, though I probably wouldn't go fish again. Prices are pretty reasonable but note there is a $0.25 charge for debit, so you might want to bring cash.
Obligatory Title Pun: They've got a GROVEY thing going on.
Menu Readability: I don't even remember one.
Need to mention: Or 10 rotis and get your 11th free.
What this place teaches me about myself: I'm not even remotely sassy.