Couldn't wait to get there after my sister recently showed me the youtube video of the place from the bit done on TLC. Drove from N. Scottsdale and wanted it to be my weekend stop from now on. Well, I can't even find the words to express my disappointment. Walked in an hour after it opened today to find only one table with quests and no one working behind the counter. Waited a few minutes until I noticed the bell on the counter. Rang the bell and someone appeared a minute later. I couldn't find the shelves of fresh baked brownies and cinnamon rolls that were obviously staged for the show. What I found instead were brownies individually wrapped in plastic wrap and cookies that looked like my 5 year old made them last week. No trays of cinnamon rolls to be found. Instead there was a cart to the side of the counter that had individually packaged rolls in plastic containers. I asked if they were fresh and I was told they were made last night. I asked to have one warmed. I gave it the good old try and after two bites decided it wasn't worth the calories. Where was the cinnamon? Where was the brown sugar? Where was any taste at all? Tried the brownie featured on the show and another cake, Gooey Cake, and again, one big fat disappointment. Also got a snicker doodle and another cookie and again, no taste. Not worth it! It certainly is not the place featured on the show! Oh, and on the show they talked about the pies. Not one in the place! It didn't even smell good like a bakery should.