| - "buy, sell, trade..."
i always thought that buffalo exchange was where everyone gets there really trendy vintage clothes, which is what it is. but having to pay as much as you would if you were to go to a hole in the wall clothing store, isn't what you're asking for when going to a thrift/ "hand-me-down" store.
i went in intention to sell, i brought two bags. 1 garbage bag full jackets, dresses, and jeans, etc. and 1 garbage bag of fairly worn shoes. i waited an hour for them to check the 2 bags, only for them to take about 9 items. from what i remember.. they took an obey wallet, levi jeans, lace dress, 2 floral print dresses, members only jacket, olive green jacket, & a grey sequence top. it would have to be in good condition for potential buyers, because i remember hearing the employees fighting over a button missing or shoes being way worn out when in actuality they were only worn once.
this review is mainly targeting to what i feel the styles of what they are looking for to buy... i truly feel that the clothes they are looking for are not garage-sale item clothing (of course), but more of the lines of vintage hip-hop/ sportswear & urban outfitters style. looking thru the racks of clothes, i noticed a lot of florals, prints, vintage sports wear, etc.
of the 9 items that they took from me, they decide what they can sell that particular item for and if you chose to get cash back, you would receive 35% of what they can sell that item for. and if you agree to do a trade, you receive 50% of what they can sell that item for. the gentleman that was selling 1 pair of guess jeans received about $9 for 1 pair of GUESS jeans. they bought a vintage lacoste sweater (that i outgrew) from me that i only paid $3 for at savers, and when they were pricing the sweater, they were going to sell it for $25? i definitely have to agree with other reviews that they OVERprice items when people are obviously are getting rid of them.