Well the administration fee is true and now I will not be going back. You have got to be kidding me. Like someone stated earlier, I pay a copay every time I go in there and they bill my insurance for anything additional they do. This is total BS. I thought I was going to the doctor not a gym. The Doctors are good there, but it is soooo slow. If you have a 10am appointment, don't expect to get in before at least 10:30am.
I called and I was told this fee was to offset the cost of the Lab, EMR and Patient Portal cost. I'm not sure what Lab they are referring to because every time I have blood drawn they send it off to some place called LabCorp. Isn't this the cost of doing business? So should I start deducting a set amount for the employees that work for me for the cost of internet and the payroll system we use? I don't think so.