I heart the Phoenix improv community. The fact that they can be organized enough to run this festival every year is crazy awesome too!!
I've been at the festival every year since it opened, mostly due to having friends that are performing. And every year, I am crying from laughing so hard and am happy for days to come. That's right people. Need a dose of happiness? Get yourself to some improv.
Some may say that it's not as good as other big festivals and blah blah blah... But if it serves its purpose and makes you laugh while getting a dose of life theater at the same time, how could it be wrong?
Various acts from around the valley (not just Torch Theatre) perform and even some from other cities. This year saw troupes from LA, Chicago, Detroit, and more. There's even a family friendly showcase!!
It's a pretty reasonably priced night of entertainment that everyone should see at least once. And if you're really up for the challenge, I suggest volunteering. I had a blast this year!