Decided on Monday to add some insulation to the attic and thought I'd consult YELP. EcoSystems had four five-star reviews. Now it has five including mine! I told Gary what the square footage of my house was, how much insulation I already had in the attic (2-3") and he gave me a quote slightly under two other firms I called. Not only that, by Wednesday at 10am the job was done and jobsite fully cleaned up by his crew. I really couldn't be happier. Last night (Thursday) the furnace only came on ONCE despite it getting down to 40 degrees. Place feels...warmer, cozier. Personally I hate writing checks to the utility companies and with an expected (appx) 25% reduction in heat loss I'll have a payback of under 2 years. That's waaay better than the payback (10 years) on a solar install. I give these guys 5 stars. Thank you!