Horrible location- homeless shelter, dead-end parking and no taxi access. Once inside you regret how nice you have dressed. I was told they had done a face lift and it was more modern. Obviously nobody informed their beer swilling pub fans that they were trying to class up the joint. During a recent intimate dinner for 2 for a birthday we were seated on high stools in the pub- absolutely awful. Yes I asked to move but no. Then as per the way of Murphy's Law they seated a table of 12 beside us with an obnoxious child- please people consider a babysitter! Not only is it an inappropriate place t have a child (did I mention its a pub) but no one is able to have a decent conversation when your child is such a brat.
The ONLY good thing is the unlimited crab for $38 per person, and the awesome $6 mojitos. I know this business is considering bankruptcy but I urge them to reconsider their location, and their decor ambition before pulling the plug- Good Luck.