When someone calls a practice to get information, the 2nd question out of their mouth that skips your original question should not be: And who is your insurance company? And when you ask if they have any appointments for the same day the receptionist should not laugh like a hyena and then put you on hold. And the appointment desk lady when she picks up should not laugh when you ask about evening and weekend appointments. Psst, look out your window. See those tall buildings over there? That's the famous Las Vegas Strip! And it's not open 10 to 5 M-F, it's 24x7. I donh't expect an optometrist to be open 24 x 7, but no occasional evening or even Saturday appointments reflects a closed minded way of doing business that I can do without. There's a nice and respectful way to say No, we don't offer those hours or services that won't get you a one star review. Or you could choose to act like this practice did...and as a result now I'm choosing to share my experience in hopes others won't have to put up with the same thing.
Just in case the practice does read my review: Appointment call, 11/11/13, 10:28 am. Yeah...it's legit.