| - I should have looked at the reviews before eating here but then again after a night of clubbing, drinking, and being exhausted, who can think to do so? We asked some of the staff what was open at the time we were looking for a restaurant + bar (around 3am) and he said only McD's, Planet Dailies, & Earl of Sandwich. LIES! So many things were still open even after we ate. Boo.
Service is super slow even with not many customers. We had a table for 5, got a bucket of beer, waters, and diner food. Beer came in a low level of ice and the beer wasn't even chilled! Took forever to get cold after we added some salt in the ice bucket. Waters needed refilling and we were able to get one towards the end of our stay...dude what?!
We ordered 2 omelets, a loco moco, croissant French toast, and fish tacos. I remember the guys saying the omelet was edible but not great (Denny's was even better), loco moco was ordered with eggs over easy and steak medium rare and ended up eggs over hard and steak super well done (they were even crispy) and dry, and didn't provide much gravy. No island flavah...L&L mo bettah. The fish tacos tasted bland, fell apart and had to be eaten with a fork. The croissant French toast was probably the best one there (dipped in creme brûlée batter and dusted with powdered sugar).
We sat right next to their register and still wasn't being served much, and holy crap the food was expensive!!! The croissant French toast and fish tacos order (with just water, mind you) came out to be $27.00 after tax. Yeah...
Best bet is walking around as other bars and restaurants are still open after 3am AND McD's will probably even be a better choice.
You've been forewarned.