| - Do not buy a puppy from this awful place! I bought my Maltese puppy from there & have been
going through hell ever since. She's definitely been inbred, as she is the most hyper puppy I've
ever seen. Obviously, this pet store deals with puppy mills that are famous for inbreeding. I was told by "their" vet that this dog would be 7 lbs. I was also told by them that she would be
"around" 7 lbs. They "claimed" that her parents were 9 & 5 lbs. No way can that be true, as my
vet said she'll be approximately 10 lbs. which is huge for a Maltese. This puppy is extremely
spiteful & destructive. It's not just the puppy stuff, as I've raised many puppies. This pet store knew that I wanted a 5 lb. dog, but 7 lbs. would have been acceptable. They told me the price was $1,400 & then when we signed the papers, they told me about all of these hidden fees that weren't told to me before which added on another $200. How sneaky is that? They should have never sold this puppy to me, but it's all about the money to them. They will only give you a refund for a genetic problem. In my opinion, hyperactivity & destructiveness ARE genetic problems, as they are caused by inbreeding. I'm sure they don't see it that way. If I so much as turn my back for a second, she will be destroying something. She has to be watched constantly. She is also very temperamental & has gone to bite me a few times just because she felt like it. If you're not giving her your undivided attention at all times, she will shred things, pee the floor, etc. Everyone that sees what she's like says they have never seen such a hyper dog and they too have raised puppies. So if you want your home & your whole life destroyed by a puppy, be sure to buy one there.