Well first off I want to thank Elizabeth B. for referring this establishment to me because it really is a true GEM. Funny story.....as I told Elizabeth.....I wasn't going to visit this locale until I returned next year because this was our last day in Vegas and it wasn't on my "To Do List" for today. All the reviews are dead on about this place being LOADED with everything a International Market should have. The Customer Service is AWESOME and despite some tight spots in the store it was extremely organized and very clean. The produce department as advertised was not much to be desired so you can definitely pass on that. However I saved the best for last.....the whole reason we went to this establishment was to find some black salt. I checked the website before I left and found out you could get like 4 different sizes for 4 different prices. So I was looking at the 5oz size which was supposed to be $3.47 according to the website and 32oz (2lbs) for $9.99.
Now here is something that most people know about me I have ALWAYS believed that while websites can be very accurate it does pay for you to go into the store and physically see the item for yourself because you might find that it is cheaper for WHATEVER reason. Well my theory won out again as we found the 2lb Jar was only $3.99.....that's right.....$3.99 are you kidding me.....WOHOOOO. OOOOO and by the way the 5oz bottle was only $2.99. So please people keep that in mind for future purchases ANYWHERE you shop you just might find the deal of a lifetime folks.
So this will definitely be a must visit going forward whenever I visit Vegas and again I want to thank Elizabeth B for an AWESOME referral......Eat, Drink, and be Merry my Friends!!!!!