| - With the remodeling or whatever it is they're currently doing in here, this dump is essentially configured like a prison.
Once you go through the one-way turnstile at the entrance, there's no way out on the ground level. The big "CASHIERS" arrow signs point you to creepy, unlit checkout areas that are shut down. The emergency exit signs point to exterior doors with handwritten signs stating "NO EXIT," and they aren't kidding: all the doors are locked. Is that even legal?
After navigating this hellhole and trying to unlock doors and even open the "alarm will sound" emergency exits, and failing because everything was DOUBLE-LOCKED, I went down some stairs and through a bunch of creepy corridors, and there it was: the grocery floor with checkout lanes that were actually functional.
But see, I hadn't picked up anything to buy, and this place is designed not to let you through without buying something. Numerous tacky-ass signs around the checkout area constantly remind you that there are cameras, that you need to show the contents of any bags or purses, and that they take numerous measures to "discourage shoplifting." I wanted to get out of here so badly that I almost grabbed a pack of gum in order to have something to pay for, but I chose to preserve my dignity and asked a cashier how I could get the hell out of there without buying anything.
She directed me to a secret passageway that bypassed the checkout lanes, where I encountered an employee who demanded to see my bag of pastries from a nearby bakery. Ughhh. A few steps later, I finally arrived at an unlocked exit and made it out.
I hope this abomination of a store goes out of business soon.