| - If you have a problem with delivery, expect to get the run around. They have a substitute carrier who scanned my package and then delivered it to someone else. She must have scanned the package before she went out on the road. After 3 weeks, the package didn't show up. Because she scanned everything at the same time, she was not aware of what she was doing and just put the packages wherever. I filed a claim, but since she scanned it, they say that it was delivered. I am appealing, but I may be out of $70 because she wasn't paying attention to what she was doing.
I approached her last week. She apologized, but I had to get her attention because she had earphones on. No wonder she isn't paying attention. Later that evening, I went to get my mail, and she left someone else's scanned mail in my box! Really, after I just told her about mis-delivery? That person was lucky - I took the package to the post office for re delivery. I am still waiting for either reimbursement or my package, and it may be an uphill battle.
When I called this office the first time, I was with the regular carrier at my box and one of the supervisors answered. I have spoken to two others. None were helpful. They have that "don't bother us" attitude. They told me to call them, and they would call back, but they have the answering machine on most of the day, and when they don't, it rings to a full voicemail.
I have used the postal system for decades. In the past, when I had problems, they were resolved with little fanfare. This branch needs to get their act together. This carrier needs to be taken off delivery and retrained. Also, they need to stop with the generic "we value your business". If a package is lost (this one was with tracking and insured) then pay. You can make mistakes, and your substitute carrier makes them in spades.