| - Superb Maids are the best, I'll say it again. After a year and three different cleanings, I decided it was time to update. And I finally found MY team.
Delon and Eugenia were my cleaners. They. Worked. So. Hard. My husband and I are hosting Christmas dinner for my family for the first time and I am so freaking stressed guys. Also, I haven't cleaned my house in forever because my Dad passed in August and this year just blows. I knew I could count on Superb Maids to take care of me once again. First of all, my house hasn't been this clean EVER. Not even after the other services I've had with Superb. I usually just schedule them when my life is a total disaster and I need somebody to step in, but after my service on Saturday I actually got in touch with Superb Maids to request for this team to return to my house monthly. It was just that good! I am super proud of how my house looks and even gave my Mom (who has seen it a million times) a tour to show off how clean it is. Seriously, if you are over worked and over stressed or you just hate cleaning, you need to hire them. I can not say enough good things about Superb Maids. Also, they charge a flat fee which is great; based on my cleaning Saturday I only paid about $60 per hour which is really good for a cleaning service, especially with how in depth they went. You can add a tip on your account after, which I did this time. Eugenia broke a glass bottle of body lotion (not even a big deal) and sent her manager a picture so that they could replace it, in addition to profusely apologizing. It was seriously no biggie but within an hour of them leaving I received a text asking where they could purchase the lotion to replace it. They are awesome!
I cannot wait to have Delon and Eugenia back. They were so hard working and made home beautiful and stress free again.