I have not stayed at this hotel, however we gambled there for a bit. I was pleasantly surprised at how not-dirty this casino was. A little small, but it makes it easy for a group of friends to spread out in order to play whatever they want to play and then easily find each other again. I seemed to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time for the drink lady. Bummer. I lost enough to earn many many drinks, but hey, that's why it's called gambling, right?
The deli seemed decent too. I didn't eat there, but friends did and they enjoyed their meal. The line was long and everyone was walking away with their shrimp cocktail in a sundae glass with a drizzle of sauce on top. I'm glad others enjoy it, I think shrimp is great, just a little leery of super-discounted shrimp cocktail.
Overall, I'd go back and hopefully have some better luck (with money and drinks) next time!