When Mom picked me up from the airport around 8 the pickins were a little slim. However, Mom knew of this good little wine bar that she thought I might like. Might like? Me? Wine? Bar? Needless to say, I LOVED it! And I was surprised that my mom had found such a cool place - sorry Mom :x.
Their selection of wines was good and their food selections ... we couldn't decide! We did tapas - beer battered calamari (it was okay ... some were a little chewy), fondue (OMG!! Let's just say that if I were to find a Cheese and Wine Bar I might start crying), and their tapas special - crab filled portabelo (really, really good!!).
Unfortunately, I don't remember what wine I chose but it was good - apparently not memorable.
I liked the live jazzy music but would have enjoyed my time here a little more if it wasn't so loud - and we were in the back. But the guy singing was good and that's what they do - jazz and wine - so I can't really complain.
I'll be dragging mom back here next time I'm in town!