I originally went to this office when it was owned by a different dentist and unfortunately he sold the practice when he moved. I had been a patient here for at least 5-6 years at that point. I stayed on as a customer for 3 additional visits to give the new doctor a real chance and I have now decided to find another office.
I was shocked on my second visit after the turn over to Dr. Rancanelli to find that the entire staff for the facility had been changed. I asked what happened and a staff memeber told me that some of the previous staff had found other employment and that the new Dr. wanted staff that was in line with his vision. This left a very bad taste in my mouth.
The new hygensist that did my cleaning 2 of the 3 times was very friendly and professional and I really like her. The doctor tried his best to be nice and professional but I think we must have a personality conflict because I found his bedside manner to be impersonal and cold. On my 3rd visit they tried to do xrays again even though they had been done just 6 months prior and I had to be the one to say that was unecessary cause the standard is once per year. I don't want additional radiation, no matter how minimal, if it is unecessary and I don't think that my insurance would have paid for that so I likely would have been stuck with the bill. They also introduced me to a new laser technology that is supposed to help identify cavities as early as possible. They found two areas that they said were going to be cavities according to this laser and said I needed to get fillings. I found this very hard to believe as I have always had very healthy teeth and have actually been commended for it in the past. I inquired more about why they were making this reccommendation. They told me the reading from the laser was right on the threshold between healthy tooth and possible developing cavity. I thought this was outrageous to reccommend getting fillings in two areas of my teeth because it may possibly develop into a cavity in the future. I, of course, declined as well as declining their reccomendation that I get braces. I have always been commended on how straight my teeth are by dentists even though I have never had braces and now this one was telling me I needed them. Again I found this outrageous. I do have one crooked tooth but it has never cause me an issue and I had already made it clear in previous visits that I didn't think braces were necessary for me.
I am currently due for an appt and I hadn't informed them that I do not plan to return, so they called me to remind me. That was great. What was not great, was that I was unable to answer when they called and I actually recieved two messages in one day both of which the staff member says in a noticeably irritated tone that if I do not intend to return to their facility that I really should inform them so they dont have to keep calling me. I will definitely let them know that I am no longer interested in their service.
I feel like this new office and dentist, though generally professional, is not very personable and is really just looking for a way to make and extra dollar off their patients and as a result I will not be returning.