I understand Ken's experience and feelings below; I get way too many discount coupons pitched at me and those things don't entice me to shop. I shop when I want a particular item - it's not an impulsive sport for me.
However, I only felt compelled to write this because of my experience with a lady named Gabbi there. I had just had a bad experience at Barnes and Nobles (reviewed them as well) and entered this store (still, miraculously in a good mood) and she was right there at the entrance - greeted me with a stellar smile - led me immediately to the science section so I didn't have to go searching about aimlessly...and she also happened to check me out at the register and was just the friendliest, nicest person. I tend to buy a lot of my books online but from now on am content to come to this Border's store for any of my immediate reading material needs. Thanks Gabbi! Keep up the great work. :)