Nothing beats sitting in the lawn on a sunny day, drinking beers, letting the kids run around, and watching some baseball. And being able to do that at a great ballpark, even better!
Came here for the Spring Training Dbacks opener. It was awesome. A lot of people but you didn't feel all smooshed. Everyone in our general vicinity in the lawn was pretty cool and didn't get upset when my girls let their own baseballs get away from them a couple times. Baxter even came out and the girls left with their first ever autographs. Awesome!!
Bathrooms are clean (BEER SHELVES?!?!). Parking was cheap ($5) and it was easy in and easy out. I missed the turn off Via de Ventura into the lot my first go around. Will call window was a little more confusing than it should have been but that was no problem.
If you have the time and are on the hunt for beer, be sure to walk the whole perimeter inside the park. There are a lot of little stands that sell only one or two beers that aren't sold at other stands.
Oh, and if you are like me and have two little ones with you that want ice cream...DON'T let them convince you that they each need their own from Coldstone. Mine did, which resulted in two HUGE cups of birthday cake ice cream melting in the sun.
Play Ball!!