Gorgeous pool where the mermaids play. It's such an idyllic setting with the cascading waterfalls and calm waters. Add an alcoholic beverage to complete the picture and you're all set. Relax in this beautiful scene or meet some fun people to party with. Anything's fair game in Vegas, after all!
There are plenty of lounge chairs if you just want to kick back and recover from a long night. Grab a towel and catch some sun. Make sure to wear sunblock anytime you're outside in Las Vegas. The desert sun will own you. Guaranteed.
If you've napped long enough, take your drink with you into the pool and meet some highly interesting folks. You know how it is. When everyone's drinking, anyone can become your new friend.
So whether you're seeking the water nymph of your dreams or just have some fun, this is the place to be!
DATE TIP: The huge waterfall may *seem* like a nice romantic idea, but it's NOT romantic to piggyback someone right under the waterfall's force and just stand there forever. Once you get to the other side though, it becomes a private oasis.