Supershuttle is terrible. Seriously.
Value-wise -- as in how much you pay for the service/convenience -- Supershuttle is ZERO stars.
Their customer service call centre is atrocious: ZERO stars.
So what is good about Supershuttle in Phoenix? Stu. Our driver Stu. If it were not for Stu, this shitshow known as 'Supershuttle' would not be getting 3* from this user.
I was going from Sky Harbor International Airport to my hotel. It takes seemingly half an hour to get through to the CS line. Once you are through to an agent, they won't help you one bit because they are not competent enough to be able to simply explain where the hell their shitty shuttles are grouped.
Once you finally find your own way to the staging area for the shuttles, you will wait some more for a shuttle to show up -- one that is going to your part of the metropolis -- and waiting is what you better get accustomed to if you are relying on SS. Once you are in the shuttle, it may or may not drive to another terminal of the airport to pick up other passengers (mine did). FINALLY, you may set off for your destination.
From the time you are inside the shuttle, to the time you are at your hotel, is an inordinate amount of time. You know what I figured out on the way back to the airport? It is MUCH quicker to just take the damn light rail. Cost: 2$
And cheaper. Supershuttle is like 3000%+ more expensive than the light rail and yet it takes longer (and will be infuriating). The gratuity alone you will provide to your driver, if you are a decent human being, will be many times more than the cost of the amazingly efficient light rail. Just take the light rail if it is anywhere near where you are heading.
Back to Stu though. This guy was cool. Great stories; very personable. The only good thing about Supershuttle. Quite possibly the only thing worth a damn in the entire Supershuttle company. 5* for Stu. - E