| - I went to Urgent Care, sat for 40 minutes, and was called and assisted by a male nurse who treated me less like a human and more like a walking, talking inconvenience to his life. I was then guided to an open room where I proceeded to sit on my thumb for 2 1/2 hours. Now I understand, there were people there in A LOT worse shape than me, but DAMN. A female physician finally came in (right after rudely dismissing an elderly patient with clogged ears; I could hear the convo from the other room...for obvious reasons) talked to me for, and I'm being generous, maybe 5 minutes, told me what I was explaining sounded like an upper respiratory viral infection, but prescribed me antibiotics anyway (I had bacterial pneumonia last year and the symptoms were escalating in a similar pattern). She left, and then I waited another 30-40 minutes until another woman came by with the paperwork for my prescription. After paying my bill, which took less than 10 minutes!, I went to pick up the prescription, which wasn't ready, and waited another 20 minutes, which at that point was a breeze! I spent 4 hours getting antibiotics. On the plus side, I got better fast. Soooo thanks for being wrong and right at the same time Doctor Lady?!