-I LOVE Sprouts, I want to give this place 5-stars...and maybe I would if they hired employees that smiled and were friendly, how come no one ever smiles here? Are they all miserable?
-Why is there an employee smoking outside of the building? I see you there buddy...nice way to promote a "healthy" lifestyle.
-Why is the lady in the meat department mean & angry that she has to grab a sausage, wrap & sticker it, then hand it to me over the counter? Maybe she is angry at the meat?
-Why does the guy stocking the bulk chocolate reek of cigarettes? I don't think he was the same guy outside. Did he personally fill the bulk foods into the containers? Will my chocolate covered almonds smell like they were in an ashtray?
-Why does the produce guy roll his eyes when I take a fresh cucumber from the box? Maybe I should had taken an older squishy one from the display? Maybe he is angry at the produce?
-I really like the "oldies" music they play, I feel like I am in a '50's diner. It helps me forget about the bitter employees that work there.
-I LOVE their cookies - they have the BEST cookies! Soft and delicious!
-Super CLEAN restrooms.
-FREE product sample basket in the general merchandise dept.
-Convenient parking.
-I noticed that they quickly added more cashiers when the lines were getting long - this is a plus!
-The cashier was friendly and was probably the ONLY employee that smiled...oh wait! That was another customer...