Wow... Every karaoke host I know works in new singers but red rock entertainment karaoke host here at Jimmy's says we gotta wait til the rest 13 people sing that she doesn't work in new people
We have been here twice before today and have had nothing but positive feedback from the crowd and she acts as if she doesn't know us
The sound is horrifying for some reason tonight too idk if the host is drunk or what
Then unlike any karaoke host I've seen before, she puts her own song in instead of putting a customer first
And my favorite pet peeve is when they adjust the mic for themselves to sound great but Dont for you
That's my signal that the host Dont give a shit about anyone but themselves omg
I would always make certain my guests had a better time than me
That's just me tho
Won't be back
Had enough of the rudeness and complete lack of conpetency