I don't know where to start with Espada. To me it's hard to explain how great they are if you've never worked on your own bike. I've been in the ongoing process of working on my bike and though I haven't purchased anything at Espada or had them do any repairs for me I've often found myself in here for some great advice. The repairman is a really friendly guy and I feel awkward calling him a repairman. haha More like a bicycle aficionado and connoisseur. It makes for a great place to converse with him and his friends over just about anything.
I live kinda far away and it's a pain to get into the tight downtown areas and find a good place to park but I promise I will get back to him to get my bike fitted with the correct bottom bracket. For now I hope they don't mind me coming buy for some friendly conversation. I don't have a whole lot to say about cost but the guy is really observant and lets you know he's not trying to scam you. If something sells cheap online he still has to make a profit but he doesn't rip you off for typically cheap parts like some of those hoity-toity high end Trek bike-sellers will.