I went there today for the first, and last time! First of all,I was not greeted at all when I entered but a woman leered at me for a while right before she instructed the customer service person to inform me of the no purse policy. No hello, no welcoming smile, just "no purse allowed". The no purse policy is off-putting to say the least. I understand the existence of theft in the world, but it is up to the business owner to put proper staff and surveillance in place to curtail that issue. That was a terrible start to my shopping experience. Then, I went by the wig section and saw a sign that read, "please if you do not intend to buy a wig do not ask to try them on". As if people have nothing better to do than drive to the beauty supply and try on wigs all day for sport?! That would be like a department store posting a sign that reads, " do not try on clothes if you do not intend to buy them". Considering the no return/exchange rule, people need to try on the wigs. Sometimes it is a good fit, sometimes it isn't. Get over yourself! There seems to be an inherent contempt for customers from the onset so that message permeated the entire experience and lasting negative impression. That and the thick stench of harsh chemicals that filled the air. Vegas Beauty Supply you are terrible!! You are a parasitic place that only wants to exploit the needs of a certain clientele while simultaneously having disdain for their presence. I encourage everyone to take their business elsewhere.