ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!!!!! This place has THE WORST service I have ever experienced in my life. We go in and sit down it takes 20 min for the waitress to finally come by and ask for our drinks. We say no and she leaves and comes back 5 mins later with a bus person to take the drink order. WTF??? We orders our drinks they came out right away. We place our order. 20 mins later no food. 10 more minutes still no food. How long does it take to make a pizza and a ham sandwich? A total of 55 minutes goes by and we still don't have our food. This after we have asked 4 times " do you know when our order is going to be up"? " meanwhile I see customers that were seated at least 10 to 15 minutes after is getting their meals. Finally the food is here and they mess up the sandwich. The pizza is horrible. So is the sandwich. I have had better meals off of a construction lunch truck. We ask for the check. We ask forte check 2 more times. The check comes and it is over charged by $33. The waitress has the nerves to tell us that we ordered all of this. I want to point out that at this point a manager has never come over. After 10 mins of arguing with the waitress about the chargesy wife also notices there is a %15 gratuity charged on top of this. I am not a cheap person and I tip very well. But I will not tip for the a job or a service that does not deserve it. Any ways we ask to have that removed from the bill also . She says she can't because the system will not allow it. Still no manager. Finally we demand to see a manager and are told that they are too busy to come and speak to us. I ask to see the owner who I know is in the building( our kids played baseball together) and was told that she doesn't care and that she does not have it time to come over and speak with us because she is off. A manger finally comes over and hands us back the bill minus the gratuity and the 33$ over charges and then asks us to never come back again. Wow you treat us badly and you ask us never to return. Don't you worry we will never come back to your establishment and I will forever bad mouth you to who ever will listen. YOUR FOOD SUCKS! YOUR SERVICE SUCKS!! YOUR ATTITUDES SUCK!!! Basically you suck!!