Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Joel & Carol Morin..
If you love Elvis then this is just the place for you!
This Las Vegas wedding stars Elvis as your Master of Ceremonies and as the Pastor to conduct the marriage ceremony. I was wondering what was happening as I sat there waiting for the bride to enter, since her fiance, his best man and her maid of honor where already at the alter. Then all of the sudden the double doors opened and there was a Pink Caddy being driven into the chapel with the Bride in Tow and if I'm not mistaken, the brides entrance song was Introduction Also Spratch Zarathustra, it was the most amazing entrance I've ever seen at a wedding. Of course this is intended to be fun and represent a couple's sense of humor and spirit for life, but then there was the moments when they spoke their vows and it all became very serious and I shed tears of happiness. I always told myself I would never have a Vegas wedding.. but I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts, also for those family members who live to far, they have a live broadcast of the wedding. It was a FANTASTIC CEREMONY and I couldn't have been more honored to have been invited to witness this union