So what is it with places smelling so much like eggs? This is the second place in town I have been, other than Bachi Burger, that made me want to hurl from the eggy smell. My husband still claims that it is me that is too sensitive to eggs, and not the restaurant, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
I am going to admit that I am not a huge huge fan of pho due to a flavor in the broth that I just have never gotten used to. It's kind of like a tangy flavor that a vietnamese food newb like me cannot identify. However, noodle soup sounded good today so I got some, and it was huge. I could barely eat a quarter of it, with that tangy flavor I'm not crazy about preventing me from getting into the soup.
I also got a banh mi since I never had them before to try and eat later. I ended up eating the whole thing instead of the soup, and I really liked it. However, it was god awful small with very little meat, but nice veggies.
I would go here again for takeout (which is what I did this time) but that eggy smell will never have me go there to sit down and eat. I would like to explore other places for more reasonably priced banh mi sandwiches as well.