+1 star for separate areas for separate types of music.
The first area I was in had about 20 people. 10 of those were in my group. There were two pool tables pretty much in the middle of what i can only assume was a dance floor. Does this place double as a regular pool hall during daylight hours? It made no sense to me. The booths were comfortable so i really did just sit most of the time. The DJ was playing mainly dance music in this area. That i liked.
The other room played hip hop was not as odd but in a room that big, why did they have a large piece of furniture that looks like something you are supposed to sit on there? When i tried to sit on it, I was told by one of the bouncers that I could not sit there.....one problem, A BUNCH OF OTHER PEOPLE WERE ALREADY SITTING THERE. Why did I get singled out? I know it wasn't a VIP sitting area because other people were able to sit down and get up as they pleased. This room had a lot more people but the dance floor in this room did not even feel like a dance floor. More like a walk way for people to stand in. I stayed in this room for less than ten minutes.