Pieces of human garbage run this place. Our neighbor had a couple of extra tickets to an on ice performance of Frozen put on in the god awful dump now known as AZ Ice. We arrived early and were mortified to see that the show was oversold and there were no more seats. The person who planned this must have been hit in the head with a puck in the past and has to have someone else lace up her skates. Instead of telling our neighbor's kid that she wouldn't get to see Frozen on her birthday we sat on the cold metal floor near the glass. Mercifully, they had an intermission before my hip, knees and back gave out from sitting cross legged for forty minutes. We got up and stretched and went into the foul smelling, poorly run bathrooms.
When we returned our spot was taken by some kids so we moved down to an open area. Just before the show started again some fart faced woman approached us and started spazzing out over her kid's seats being stolen. I told her we would love to sit somewhere else but had nowhere to go. She couldn't believe that sitting on the ground were people's urine covered shoes had been wasn't our first choice. Before I could finish explaining to her that she was a moron her husband, who was clearly been experiencing steroid induced performance issues, couldn't Let It Go and yelled at my wife and I. I got up and he nearly started a fist fight. Finally, one of the frazzled employees asked for permission to use the facilities shared brain and the family was told to sit down and shut up.
We thought it was all over when a blotchy faced cave woman approached us and asked if we had a problem. Still shocked from earlier we didn't know how to respond. She said if we cause any more problems we will be kicked out. Having the fear of being kicked out of a low budget, unlicensed, community theater production of Frozen sending shivers down our spines we sat silently for the rest of the show.
Bottom line: If you dropped out of high school, have a severe brain injury, don't read so good or consider yourself to be walking diarrhea you should open a skating rink. It must not be that hard.