Had a Bradford white gas water heater installed by Anytime Plumbing January 12, 2012. On February 11, 2018 the pilot went out and would not stay on after repeatedly reigniting. Yup, 11 days after the warranty expired. On February 12, Francisco arrived from Anytime and without touching or looking at the unit said the problem was the thermostat/gas valve which would cost $700 to replace or I could just replace the water heater with a new one for $987.
Now I don't know if this is Anytimes usual practice or just this service guys way of doing business.
Needless to say, I am not using Anytime Plumbing for repairs or ever calling them again in the future.
(By the way, you can pick up a thermostat/gas valve for around $153).
Caveat emptor!