I guess I was expecting to see some real animals too, and I wasn't totally disappointed as there were a few bald eagles in one of the cages. The disappointment came when a nearby patron said to his small child "Look at the vultures." Just so we're all clear on this, he wasn't referring to the crowd around the cage looking in.
If I were a zoo animal, I'd be hiding from the zoolights too, so I can't really blame the animals.
We followed the pathways, which are clearly marked for the event, and only deviated once when Mark H. had to purchase a coffee. Actually, that place was definitely on the designated pathways. I also believe the gift shop was too.
Thumbs up for the ability to purchase the tickets online and then just showing the tickets on my phone! No paper wasted, just the green paper for admission.
I guess one must do Zoolights at least once in a lifetime. Check that off the bucket list. Next year: Desert Botanical Gardens.