I'm kind of entertained by a recent experience. I came into your store to buy a couple of things. While at the register I got very dizzy. I could feel whiteness taking over but kept trying to let it pass. But you guys want people to sign up for this, apply for this, credit doesn't work for other debit, aka it takes so long to check out that I had to go sit on pavement. I asked for somewhere to sit and the guy said there was nowhere. So I ran to the cement outside. Someone came to check on me. I was not doing so hot and nobody offered me water! I asked for water (which much to the hilarity of everyone I tell this story to you charged me for) I tried to pay again and got dizzy so had to leave before passing out. I ran into the poles outside and was somewhat injured. You guys would not just take my card and made me come in again. Now it's not your fault that I was dehydrated and honestly I had no idea till at your register. However, you guys let me leave, charged me for water, and only cared to get me a chair when it was sat at the register so I could pay you. I've been shopping at cost plus for decades and was pretty disappointed. I like your stuff but you don't care much for your customers.