Had to turn a gun in for it to be fixed by the manufacturer. ..walked in with it, dude at the door acted like we were planning on shooting him..it didn't have the clip in plus it was jammed..after 20 min he finally walked the gun back to be looked at. Turned it in fine. .3 weeks later it's fixed and rdy for pick up. Go and get in the firearms line , 1 guy in front of us 2 working the counter. More people get in line behind us, guy standing around doing nothing ask what we need, tell him, he tells us to stay and wait, put the 3 behind us at computers to start their paper work....we stood there in line waiting for 40 min before we were called to counter. Guy gets annoyed that he had to go find our gun...really....worse customer services ever. ..guys name is Matt K....avoid at all cost!!!!!