The first time I came here the experience was very meh with a BBQ pork sandwich (Banh Mi Xa Xiu) that was in reality just a gamy porky mess with no char. It may also been because I waited 30 min to eat it but the sandwiches bread didn't really hold up to standards as well.
I normally wouldn't have came back but they sent out these great coupons that lured me back to try their other sandwiches. This time I vowed not to go cheap and paid the .25 cents more for the Grilled Pork Banh Mi. (Thit Nuong) This one was way better! Bread was fresh and crunchy, pork was juicy and with nice grill marks it was a winner.
If pork isn't too your liking you can also get the grilled beef as these two tasted the best out of the three I tried. It tastes a little bit like Korean bbq sandwich in a way with nice greens and that butter mayo pate~