Apple, Inc. strikes again. Unrivaled in the service this company provides from in-store to unboxing your new gadget and then coming back in for assistance. Each time I've been in for help with iPhone issues or need of a new MacBook battery, each person at the Genius Bar has been cordial and happy to hear my side of the story. They take their time with each patron and genuinely help each situation.
All of the goodies here. iPods, iPhones, MacBooks, backpacks and all of the accompanying gadgets. Apple products and apple-friendly products as far as the eye can see. You know the drill.
My recommendation, if you're already an iPhone user, is to download the Apple Store application and make a reservation from the app. You can check in once you're in the store and they'll find you faster! Your name comes up in their queue and they serve you faster!
Love this location and always my first choice instead of a 3rd party! Thanks, Apple for this great location. Cheers!