I thought VIP meant Very Important Persons? We Paid $225 a piece (far in advance) for VIP "Lounge" tickets. Still had to wait forever in GA Line....why? We paid extra for supposedly less headache, right? The website had a bunch of promises that werent entirely true. The promised couches? Yeah there were couches... 4 in all,so of course, they were already taken and pulled up to the balcony railing ( taking up the very limited and miniscule viewing space).Our Private bar was a huge disappoiment.. $30 for two nasty beers (only 2 varieties on tap) served in small plastic cups and a half shot and 5 water.. There were only 2 bartenders who must have just started bartending because they were very slow and unfriendly. We did find out later that we could have spent another $100 for two bracelets that would allow us to drink free for the rest of the night.The private bathrooms? Give me a break the bathrooms were just closer to our "VIP" area. We couldn't see Sammy the stage or the wide screens, but we could see the volleyball players very clearly. We had the WORST area possible for all the money we spent. The people who spent $85 got seating and a great view of the stage. I wish we would have gone that route it would have been great. As it was..We left. All my Baby got for his 50th Birthday was two VIP lanyards to prove we were there and the view of the back of some guys head. We are very disgusted by the amount of Greed and Extortion that took place and can only hope that Sammy Hagar was unaware and doesn't condone this behavior.