Betty, you truly have some nerve to respond in the matter in which you did to the hack job "your" business did to my dog. Would you prefer a complaint to bbb? So much for an apology. Snarky owner who doesn't take responsibility for the people under her employ. Zero accountability.
Furthermore, neither dogs' nails were dremeled or groomed either. How do I know this? I regularly dremel both dogs' nails so I guess I would know.
It was my money that paid for both my friend's dog and mine to be groomed at your business ... based on reviews. I rest my case on this place! Bring your pet for grooming here at your own risk - my dog proof-positive
BTW, I was the one who called you and booked the two dogs' appointments mentioning that my dog looked like one posted on your website. Remember me now; and more importantly, care to continue this?